Courses by Request
We offer online courses by request. If you wish to organise any of the courses listed under the Courses section of this website or any of the courses listed below, specifically for your organisation, please e-mail at We will contact you to discuss your specific needs and course fees.
Emergency Management and Planning for Museums, Libraries and Archives
In this online course, you will learn how to manage emergencies within your organisation. We will look into four areas of activities that can help you to prepare, reduce or effectively respond to and recover from emergencies. We will examine the capabilities that you need to demonstrate within these four activities and what this means in practice.
Emergency planning plays an important role in developing disaster resilience capability for your organization. As part of this course, we will look into the emergency planning process and what this involves in practice, from creating a project plan to implementation. We will examine the content of an Emergency Plan document and discuss what it should contain and how it should be laid out.
This course is suitable for anyone who is involved in emergency management and planning.
At the end of the course you will:
Recognize the complexity and the importance of emergency management
Learn about different phases of emergency management and how to implement them in practice
Understand capabilities required to respond to emergencies effectively
Have a good understanding of the emergency planning processes from establishing a project plan, and understanding what writing emergency plans involve in practice to what kind of training and resilience-building activities need to be provided
Be able to write or review your emergency plan document for your organisation
Practical Salvage of Heritage Collections
We are offering a one-day, hands-on workshop covering procedures in salvaging museum, library and archive collections, from incident first response to complete recovery. It will cover topics such as preparing the salvage operation, planning the salvage strategy, setting up a triage point, moving damaged items and their treatment. The course will discuss risks of re-entry into damaged collection areas and health and safety aspects of salvage operations. The course will cover salvage and treatment of a wide range of materials. This practical course will be suitable for all who may potentially be involved in salvaging museum, library and archive collections.
​​Risk Assessment for Heritage, The ABC Methodology in Practice
In this one day online course, you will explore the risk-based approach to collections care and application of risk management methodology in practice.
By the end of this course you will:
Understand the application of risk management in the cultural heritage field and how heritage organisations can use it to prioritise their limited resources.
Understand the application and long-term benefits of risk assessment and risk management within a large institution.
Learn how to apply a risk management tool in practice
During the course, you will take part in a risk assessment exercise and will have an opportunity to discuss issues in collections care such as strategic planning, prioritisation and cost-effective resource allocation.